I got myself some navy and white striped jersey material as well as some plain navy jersey. I planned to make a bodycon style strapless dress out of the striped material and a mid waisted skirt out of the navy, this meant I could wear the striped dress on its own with a chunky belt or shorts or something. The final outfit turned out like this:
(apologies for lack of make up, odd hair and weird weird toes lol)
I have to say a lot of the making of was guess work using some of my clothes which I already owned as patterns adding seam allowances and it didn't help that my sewing machine was having a major strop during the making, so a lot of the stitching is bad and wonky but you cant really see that on the final piece......and who looks that close when your wearing something anyway.
I am looking forward to wearing this outfit again and I plan to take it along to a proper photo shoot which my mum and myself are having this Friday. I would really like some snazzy shoots of it as I did make it on my own and am very happy about its outcome :D
Kellie x